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Add Style With Layering Rugs

Bring on the texture add a dynamic layering effect with rugs.

rugs on rug layering in a living room

Layering with rugs can be a great way to set the tone and add depth to your room. It is all about playing with lines and angles, directing the eye right where you want it. When styling with rugs, think outside the box – mix multiple colors and patterns to craft a look that's uniquely yours. If you're a texture enthusiast, love creating visual interest, and defining specific areas, this one is for you. Layering rugs is not only a stylish approach, it makes a space feel rich in depth. A playful approach that lets you express your personality and create an interior that's as visually intriguing as it is comfortable. Here are some hands-on ways to make this playful decorating approach work wonders for your space.

Layering with rugs in your home

Here's a breakdown:

It's all about a balanced and appealing style in your home through thoughtful choices in rug colors, patterns, and layering techniques.

rug on rug layer styling how to

Layer Rugs with Different Rug Textures:

If you "decide to layer rugs with different textures, consider using one area rug with a stylish motif. This can serve as a focal point or a harmonizing element.

Contrasting Rug Designs:

If you're experimenting with contrasting rug designs, try blending color schemes. This means that even though the designs may vary, the colors should have similar shared features.

Simplicity in Color and Patterns:

You don't necessarily have to use multiple colors and patterns to make the look work for your home.

Layering Rugs Color Choices

Intimate and Cozy:

Darker shades like black, brown, and gray are recommended to create a cozy ambiance.

Natural Look:

Lighter tones such as white, cream, and light blues are suggested for rooms with natural sunlight. These colors can enhance the brightness of the space.

Complementary Tones:

Colors that complement each other can add a pop of color to your space and tie in with the rest of the items in the room. This creates a cohesive and visually attractive look.

RELATED: Give a room life and dimension with styling with rugs. click the link to see the post!

Laying Out Your Rugs

Tip: When layering rugs, it is also best when the pile on both rugs is low.

round rug on large rug for styling

The technique of rug layering

Layering Technique:

Rug layering involves arranging rugs in layers. The key is to have one larger and more dominant rug, with smaller ones acting as accents.

Starting with the Base:

Spacing Around the Rug:

Furniture Placement:

Accent Rug Placement:

Recommended Size Ratio:

Coordination of Rugs:

Seamless Blending:

Choose Your Rug Size Carefully

Choosing the right size of an area rug, particularly when layering rugs, and the dimension of the room and its foot traffic. Here's a breakdown:

  • Importance of Sizing: Pay attention to sizing, especially when layering rugs.

  • Effect on Size: A large area rug can make a room feel larger than it is, while in a small space, a small area rug is recommended to avoid an unbalanced appearance.

  • Consider Foot Traffic: Think about how much traffic the room gets. For areas with heavy foot traffic, opt for a thicker rug. Thicker rugs tend to be more durable and can withstand higher use. For rooms with occasional use, a thinner rug may suffice.

Always consider the size of ththee area rug to the room size by avoiding an imbalanced look and factoring in the level of foot traffic when choosing a floor rug that suits the practical needs of the space.

And lastly,

Think About The Style Of The Room

layering with rugs

Consider the vibe of your room – modern spaces love clean lines and sleek edges, while traditional styles embrace motifs and textures. Your choice of rug can make or break the harmony, so think about the overall décor. Whether you're picking rugs before furnishings or vice versa, keep an eye on your furniture and color scheme.

The trick is to have your rug and furniture doing a stylish tango – they should complement each other seamlessly. When done right, it's like adding a magic touch that ties everything together, giving your home that perfect flow. So, let your décor dreams and rug choices dance hand in hand for a space that's uniquely you.

Elevate Your Space with more Home Decor Inspiration!

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